Quote Originally Posted by danny72 View Post
Thank you DAkey! I wanted to show the drawing schetch of the body also. Some guy wrote to me and said that i cheat.. Digital art is crap.. I don't cheat. I have referens of course.. But draw everything myself..
Ask this naive fool what he thinks of classical art when they started using the grid (having a grid between the artist and model and a corresponding grid on the paper of canvas), or when they used camera obscura (projecting from a hole in a tent onto a canvas), or they had lenses where they were able to project onto a canvas to trace, or the photographic camera taking photos instead of painting from life and compositing images from it. Sculptors also had their tricks and used calipers to measure. And let's not forget the artists who used apprentices and assistants to do a whole lot of the work.

Just because he is ignorant of old master's techniques doesn't mean that artists haven't been using assists from devices for a long long time. Besides, just because one uses available tools doesn't mean they can't draw, as you show. Huge names, many of whom I'm sure he reveres, used tricks.