Hello ninjacaesar and welcome to the ArtRage forums
ArtRage Vitae is the latest version of AR, currently on offer still I believe, and is the version that will be continued to be developed going forward.
As I understand it, by using a name only for the app on the app stores, Ambient Design, again looking ahead, will only need to have the one app on the app stores regardless of what the actual build number is.
AR6 can I think still be purchased from Ambient Design, as some people prefer not to purchase apps from the Microsoft store.
However I would stress that other than maintaining compatibility with OS updates etc... AR6 is not being actively developed anymore.
So, ArtRage Vitae is the future of ArtRage!
It has various enhancements over AR6, not least of which are lager brush sizes than are available in AR6
A list of new features in ARV can be found here: https://forums.artrage.com/showthrea...017#post539017