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Thread: ArtRage Vitae for desktop: so many questions

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    ArtRage Vitae for desktop: so many questions

    the name and the marketing

    ArtRage Vitae is really a strange name for this project of transitioning ArtRage to a new platform like the app stores. It’s neither easy to pronounce nor catchy. To put it mildly, to me this name is not exactly amenable to getting my attention and making me want to transition and feel "yes, I want to have this". Any other odd name like ArtRage Pro would have worked better IMHO. But that’s just my feeling.

    the app store

    As a long time user of ArtRage, the goals behinds switching to app stores are very unclear to me. I understand the argument that serial numbers and updating might be cumbersome for a certain small group of people. But there seem to be so many unanswered questions.

    With the traditional versioning scheme, I was able to buy a new version of ArtRage every x years, and I would gladly do so. At the same time, I had full control whether I wanted to update and had full freedom over the purchased software without being tied so some form of app store that can change without notice in any future OS update and make my current purchases unusable. I could even use ArtRage on Linux under Wine and it worked fine! This option is now gone for good, which is quite sad.

    Most disturbingly, with the App Store scheme now, the whole thing seems not sustainable for Ambient Design for me. If ArtRage Vitae really stays as one version in the app stores, and you only pay once and for all future updates - as has been stated by Andy in this forum - how is Ambient’s plan to ever finance future upgrades, once the ArtRage community has switched to ArtRage Vitae and paid it once? I find this extremely fishy to be frank and I don’t see that it will work this way. This is the main reason I’m extremely reluctant to purchase ArtRage Vitae at this point, because I do not understand the scope of what I am actually buying.

    the communication

    What is really missing at the moment in my opinion is a clear and longier statement on the main web site where this is going. Something like „we are switching to the App Store and this is how we are going to pay future upgrades“. As stated before in this forum, why is there no banner on ArtRage’s web site that ArtRage desktop is now ArtRage Vitae? Why is ArtRage 6 still marketed - with a holiday discount - as current desktop version for new users if there will be no feature updates? If ArtRage Vitae is the future, then please state it clearly.

    I love ArtRage and hope that there is a sustainable future for it, but at the moment there seems to be a rather large uncertainty where this will go. I’m quite willing to switch to the App Store if I can trust that what is happening here, but right now this feels to me like ArtRage has entered unpredictable terrain.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ambient Design
    We will be updating the ArtRage Homepage with more about ArtRage Vitae when we do the official launch at the end of this month.
    For now we've only announced ArtRage Vitae to our existing ArtRage users.
    More information will be forthcoming soon.
    AndyRage's mantra for graphics engine code:
    "Sure - how hard can it be?"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by hobbyist View Post
    the name and the marketing

    ArtRage Vitae is really a strange name for this project of transitioning ArtRage to a new platform like the app stores. It’s neither easy to pronounce nor catchy. To put it mildly, to me this name is not exactly amenable to getting my attention and making me want to transition and feel "yes, I want to have this". Any other odd name like ArtRage Pro would have worked better IMHO. But that’s just my feeling.
    the name is actually quite easy to pronounce, if you're confused by the "e" at the end, just think of playstation vita. how would you pronounce that? they sound the same.

    "vitae" and "vitae mobile" look like coherent, well thought out application brands, meant to be used side by side.

    "artrage pro" would cause confusion with "artrage studio pro", a past release from artrage 3 era. considering a large number of AR users have been with this app long enough to remember that version, I don't see any advantage to slapping the "pro" label on.

    there's also a competing digital painting application that loves to call itself a "pro" choice of all "pro" artists and illustrators, and it lags behind every free and paid alternative out there.

  4. #4
    Yeah, the "vitae" sounds silly to me but if the developer likes it. I never thought about Linux/Wine use but that may be a very limited number of people. Still sad for those who may of used this method. ArtRage is still a great painting app, I just don't care for the new delivery method. Oh and the chat feature seems like a silly feature too. I would have rather seen time spent coding on something else but maybe some will enjoy it?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Windows store and future direction of Artrage.

    As a long time user, (I think I go back to version 3) I have always loved artrage. The problem is, I think the affection is now one way only. Moving to the ghastly Windows store, what were you thinking? It doesn't even allow you to designate a drive to download to, it just dumps the program where it likes.

    This seems to be part of a general decline in artrage, I mean, what is really new in Vitae. Very little. It is hardly worthy of even being called an upgrade. If I were to be unkind I could call it a cynical money grab, but of course I wont.

    Artrage used to be cutting edge, but now it seems to have run out of ideas and is just limping along behind the likes of Rebelle. Sadly, this will be my last purchase.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by alex_neil View Post
    As a long time user, (I think I go back to version 3) I have always loved artrage. The problem is, I think the affection is now one way only. Moving to the ghastly Windows store, what were you thinking? It doesn't even allow you to designate a drive to download to, it just dumps the program where it likes.

    This seems to be part of a general decline in artrage, I mean, what is really new in Vitae. Very little. It is hardly worthy of even being called an upgrade. If I were to be unkind I could call it a cynical money grab, but of course I wont.

    Artrage used to be cutting edge, but now it seems to have run out of ideas and is just limping along behind the likes of Rebelle. Sadly, this will be my last purchase.

    there's a lot of work done under the hood for AR vitae, and there's stuff introduced with it that was discussed on the board several years ago, actually before AR6 came out, which to me implies that the technical overhaul this version has undergone is more substantial (and time consuming) than it looks on the surface.

    I also have my own set of irks with this app, but the pros of using it outweigh anything else - artrage oils are foundational for my personal digital painting workflow.

    I think it's safe to say we all want this application to evolve and give everyone better tools to create, so if there're specific things you'd want to see implemented in this application you're welcome to request them. you can share any feature requests that you have in mind in the appropriate tech support subforum where they'll be read by the developers, otherwise good luck with your rebelle journey if that package suits your style better.

    and by the way, I don't remember rebelle 4 being particularly groundbreaking at all, but I'll admit I'm biased.

  7. #7
    I am extremely disappointed with this boneheaded move on ArtRage's part. I will NOT use the Windows Store. Period. I will stay with ArtRage 4 Pro for now.

    If I decide to upgrade, it will be to ArtRage 6 (unlikely, though, since I do not support businesses that do not offer customers options in how they purchase software).

    I hope AndyRage and the rest of ArtRage staff change their minds. I was like, "WHAT?!" when I saw what was going on. Goodbye, Ambient Design. Good riddance.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ambient Design
    Quote Originally Posted by Omnimaxus View Post
    I am extremely disappointed with this boneheaded move on ArtRage's part. I will NOT use the Windows Store. Period. I will stay with ArtRage 4 Pro for now.

    If I decide to upgrade, it will be to ArtRage 6 (unlikely, though, since I do not support businesses that do not offer customers options in how they purchase software).

    I hope AndyRage and the rest of ArtRage staff change their minds. I was like, "WHAT?!" when I saw what was going on. Goodbye, Ambient Design. Good riddance.
    Okay, now this is heading into spammer territory.
    We get it - you dont like the Windows Store. Its already proven to improve the purchasing experience for most of our customers, and we'll continue to offer ArtRage 6 for people who simply dont like the Windows Store.
    AndyRage's mantra for graphics engine code:
    "Sure - how hard can it be?"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2021
    Sorry to interrupt, Andy, but I believe you will stick to the same distribution system in future updates (I'm talking about Win 11)?
    If there was already a thread about it, could you please navigate me to it?
    Thanks in advance.

    - liz

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Winfield, Missouri, USA
    I've bought every single version of ArtRage since the very first version, and locking it in to the app stores locks me out. I also use Linux, and Artrage has always run wonderfully under Wine. By having it in the app stores, I can't download it for my systems anymore. This really is a "shut up and take my money" situation, where I'd happily fork over cash right now if I could still buy and download via the artrage website.

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