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Thread: How do I give away/put my custom brushes on the forum?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    How do I give away/put my custom brushes on the forum?

    So someone asked for some custom brushes that I made for foliage/leaves/trees (Enug )

    How do I do that?

    Draw what you see!....not what you think you see!!
    My artist friend

    We Must each think of ourselves as an endless work in progress ....Harley Brown

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    There is an option in ArtRage's File Menu, to create packages with ArtRage-related Stuff like brushes, canvases, presets and so on. It's called "Create Package". Click on it, add a group, browse for your brushes in your custom content folders... It's self-explaining, I think. Finally click on "Build" to create the package you packed. Then you can upload it here in the "Art Supplies"-category, where you click "Post a new Thread" and scroll down to "Manage Attachments". Browse for your package: "Add Files" and then "Search". Finally click "Upload".

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2020

    How do I give away/put my custom brushes on the forum?

    Hello ENCHANTER,
    when you open the ArtRage community actual forums you can find "manage to attachments". There you can upload all the content you want to upload and submit for approval. Once the moderator has approved your content, it can be viewed publicly for users.
    Thank you.

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