Quote Originally Posted by D Akey View Post
I never quite got into the tablets that were referring to the screen but you would touch down on your desk or in your lap and hope it went in the right spot up on the monitor.
I've never had this problem and been using Wacom for nearly 20 years. I rarely look down on my tablet when working, the screen automatically tells me where my pen is, I never hope it goes in the right place, so to move it isn't a matter of looking down at nothing, just move it around a little ways while looking at the monitor. I can see though that Cintiq having the screen right there helps. Super expensive though

Hope this helps, Kierfer35, and I wish you all the best choosing. Your daughter's very lucky. I would do anything to be born in this day and age as far as tech goes, so very cool Cintiq isn't cheap, Wacom Pen Tablets less expensive, but like MaryLou said there are even cheaper ones around. Your daughter can start off with something simple and work her way up as she gets to know if this is what she loves to do.