I am not sure it is possible to paint underwater and get the colors accurate. Colors start to disappear as you go deeper, with red being the first to go. It's really weird, because deeper than about 20 feet, red turns to green, including blood. At around 35 feet, yellows and oranges are gone. Deeper than 60 feet, all you get are shades of blue and green. Of course, using lights underwater will restore the colors, but the lights effect the color depending on what type are used. The colors will still not be true.

I knew a guy that tried to paint underwater while I was in San Diego. We were at 20 feet and he was trying to paint kelp, and abalones on the bottom. A school of parrotfish swam by and they ate all the paint off of his pallet and picture.

I am going to try some whales and sharks in the future. I hope they come out OK.