Quote Originally Posted by D Akey View Post
Say, I really think your depiction of hair got much better. I like your thinking how to divide it up as you've done it. Brava! Way to go! Nice work free-handing the likeness.
Thanks dear D Akey! Actually I noticed she resembles a lot to Hilary Duff in my painting, wait... Hilary Duff in court? No way! As for the hair I tried to use a brush with maxed out stifness and a bit of thinners, the rest is merit of the program (I'm still learning how it behaves depending on the settings). So far I like Artrage because the various tools blend so well together, the result is very natural and does not look digital at all, I think it is the closest thing to the real thing right now. I wish though it could be possible to show the png file at native resolution becuse jpeg compression and resizing heavely degrade the painting.