I understand your dilemma. I have a daughter - 26 years old - she's a computer programmer and darned good at it - however - even with all of the brains, education and willingness - she just cannot seem to get a job. So I guess what I am trying to say is - even if you complete university, there is no sure thing that you will land a job.

My other daughter - she is 23 and lives at home - she is legally blind and dyslexic so she dropped out of college. She does such beautiful artwork and is now a "starving writer/illustrator" We are perfectly happy with this arrangement because she works hard at what she does. She is currently illustrating a bookcover for a novel written by a friend who will be sending off to a publisher soon. We are hoping the exposure to publishers will pay off for her art in the end.

One thing you can do is to find if there is an art guild in your city - it helps the creative mind and there are options as a guild to put together art shows. Another option is to get that group together and rent a booth at street fairs in your area. If you can't find an art guild - how about getting one together - you can meet with other artists and art students at a coffee house and collaborate online - it doesn't have to be fancy or formal - just a group of like-minded creative people getting together to talk and network.

If you don't yet have a zazzle account - I would recommend that - it is a lot of hard work but plenty of people have actually been able to quit their jobs and live solely on their zazzle earnings.

What about changing your major to art - or just going to school part time - taking an art class or an online marketing course in the evenings?

As far as money - there is the option to paint windows for businesses in your city - make up some flyers with your information and prices, bring a portfolio of some of your artwork and go visit stores. You could also offer to paint murals on the blank walls on the outsides of buildings or on the walls in the local kindergartens and nursery schools. Soon you will have a list of clients and may even become so successful that you will need to hire an assistant or 2!

Good luck - I wish you the best!