Thanks for your input Tony, very interesting.

I have had a quick look at Procreate, but my heart belongs to Artrage! I've had the honour to be a Beta Tester, and also love the way the AR staff/developers come back with answers quickly when you really need to know something.

The latest version for PC has some terrific new innovations, one of which is a brush designer, and I'm really looking forward to have a big play with that when I'm not fussing on the Ipad dreaming up lessons each week!

I like the portability of the Ipad, and also have a 12" touchscreen notepad with the full program, but my big Dell Touchscreen is heavenly.

Coughing up almost $1000 AU for an Ipad Pro is not on my radar at the moment, no matter how much I'd love to try the Pencil.