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Thread: Drskmishra

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Maryland, US
    Looks to me like you have the idea pretty well for the reflections. I like all the exploration of your tools that you are doing, it's one of the best ways to learn your tools. Great job, just keep at it, more than anything from here forward it is all about asking yourself more questions than us and taking it to the finish you are looking for, I feel fairly certain all the major issues of perspective, color, and form have been touched on at this point. It's all about finding the look you like and seeing your work with your own eyes now. Everyone likes different things in their works, knowing what you like will make it much easier to know what you need to work on, and most of it should be evident to yourself if you ask the right questions.

    I suggest making a list of questions based on your likes and then asking if you've met those, if you can't figure out how to achieve the answer then asking how to achieve that effect or if you are achieving it to others will prove very useful. Oftentimes when I ask for input I will ask for it about a specific aspect of my painting, like "Are the values working to push the eye towards my focal point?", getting an answer to that question is far more useful to me than any general information.

    Edit: Example of list of questions to ask oneself: Is the perspective right? Is the pattern of light and shadow directing the eye where I want? Is the color contrasts and saturations providing the proper focal points and interests? Is the mood being represented in the way I want?

    These are all just choices, the more aware you are of what choices you are making the better your results tend to be. Also knowing your tendencies often helps with understanding what you can do to help yourself.

    Good luck, keep up the great work!
    Last edited by Delofasht; 05-05-2015 at 07:00 AM.

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