Putting a grid on a reference image

Some people use grids on their reference images to help with of their art. I didn't find a tutorial on this, so I made up a quick one for ArtRage Studio / ArtRage Studio Pro.

I will be using the grid script called grid.arscript from AndyRage (http://www2.ambientdesign.com/forums...highlight=grid). Make sure you download and save the scrip in a place you can find.



Launch ArtRage Studio / ArtRage Studio Pro

Click File>Import Image File
<This option will create the workspace the size of the image>

Select the image you want to put a grid on
<The image I selected is an apple I found on the internet>

Click on File>Play Script
Select grid.arscript

Select the number of squares across and down
<I selected a 10x10 grid>
Click OK
<You should see the image with a 10x10 grid>

Name:  Grid on image.jpg
Views: 6152
Size:  44.3 KB

Click File>Export Image File
<This will save the grid on image for later>

Click File>New Painting
Select options for the new painting

Open reference of grid on image

Name:  Open reference.jpg
Views: 5481
Size:  45.5 KB

Click on File>Play Script
Select grid.arscript

Select the number of squares across and down
<Make sure it is the same as the grid on image - 10x10 grid>
Click OK
<The grid is on a separate layer. Make sure you don't paint on the grid layer >

Name:  Painting grid.jpg
Views: 5006
Size:  54.8 KB

If you want, you can open reference of original image without all the lines

Name:  Open reference 2.jpg
Views: 4827
Size:  57.0 KB

There we go. Start painting.