Hello Kroeart76 and welcome to the ArtRage forums
Have to confess that I have never used Corel Painter so I’m not sure what “cloning” abilities it has…
ArtRage Vitae dose have a cloning brush which works more or less the same as cloning brushes do in most other graphics apps.
If you are wanting to copy a photo so that it looks like it was painted then you can bring in the photo as a Tracing Layer and then use your brush type of choice, say the Oil brush to copy it.
As you paint ARV will automatically select the paint colour from the tracing image.
You can read more about the Cloner tool here: https://www.artrage.com/manuals/digi...-tools/cloner/
And about the Tracing function here: https://www.artrage.com/manuals/gett...nd-references/

If you are on Windows I think you may be able to trial ARV first from the Microsoft Store? But don’t quote me on that!
However on the Mac store, because of how it works, I don’t think trials are possible.