I just received a newsletter of my online-shop where I bought all my artist-materials with the request to answer a survey about all I bought, what are my art-work in common, what I prefer. How much time I do art-work, do I earn money (no) with it, from what I search and get my inspirations etc. I bought all on - I hope I am allowed to mention the name: Gerstäcker, Germany. Otherwise, I will delete it. This is my supplier for art-materials, has always been.
Astonishing was, that they mentioned a lot more ARV then other art-forums, one time procreate only.
I already searched whether they have additional packages for any digital art. But they do not yet offer that: Pens, fitting additional tools, colours, samples, pattern, videos, tuturials. Nor do they offer digital-art programs themselves.
G. is a huge house for everything you need for artists of every speciality, every kind of artists, professional, non professional, schools, Kindergarten, therapy They sell and sold mostly now via internet and by sending a brick-stone of catalogues for customers.
It might be, because I mentioned ARV several times when they asked which kind of art I am just practising.