labsft, thank you for reporting all this so I don't have to.

I'm a serious longtime fan, but Artrage is starting to live up to its name. (Was this the evil plan all along??) I've spent a significant number of hours with Artrage 6 now and am crashing it several times every day, for no apparent reason. (i.e. I'm not doing anything remarkable at the time. Previously my crashes tended to be failing to flatten many stickers or something like that.) Of course I've lost quite a lot of work as a result, despite best efforts to save regularly.

Equally time-sapping is the need to undo a stroke which has caused the software to freeze, then draws an unwanted continuation of the line to wherever you're hovering your pen. I believe I'm describing what's mentioned above. I was counting there for a while -- Artrage 6 was freezing about every 50 marks. When doing crosshatch type stuff this is impossible. But then it suddenly came good for a while and I gave up counting.

This is why I'm hanging out for some significant performance improvements over the next few weeks.

Given the proliferation of tricky bugs, I can't understand why there's not an autosave feature. I would enable that pronto. Its absence is so unbelievable I think it must exist and I simply haven't found it? This has probably been discussed elsewhere, but if there's indeed no autosave functionality, can anyone speak to the reasoning behind that?

I have absolutely learnt my lesson over the years and have enabled the iterative saves. Fortunately these haven't been needed yet, as 6 hasn't wiped every layer but one.