I knew you would know the technical side (you) and the laymen’s side (me!). I have to think about systems all day long at work and refuse to do the same in my off time. I’m getting to old for the techno-babble.


Okay, calibrate the monitor. Check. I think I have a spyder some where in a drawer that I will dig out and try.

The colors don’t appear to have any issues between my iMac and the Canon printer. It is just the darkness of some prints that need pushing higher with the brightness. Using my k.i.s.s. Technology approach to life at this point I will look around for a tool that can color proof my work. Excellent suggestion! Affinity may support color proofing. I will google that. I don’t remember if PS does, and if it does then Affinity probable does too.

Thanks for the quick answer DO! I did order my favorite paper in 8 x 11 today, to do some proofing with, so I don’t burn through my bigger sheets of paper. You da Man!