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Thread: A terrible mistake...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    A terrible mistake...

    I meant to choose "Replace tool samples" and instead replaced ALL my samples with a set of tool samples. I had some delicious colors -all of them wiped out and replaced with a set of unpleasant pinks. Are my samples gone forever?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Did you mean that you meant to choose 'Add tool samples? That will add to your existing collection, 'Replace' will clear it out and replace it with whatever you load.

    Were your samples saved anywhere? (On disk, in another painting, as part of the Collection using 'Add to Collection'?) You will be able to get them back if you have still got another painting containing them, or you saved them officially as part of the Samples Collection. Otherwise they will be gone, I am afraid.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thank you, HannahRage, for your swift response. I will remember next time when I'm tired or growing frustrated with a project to STOP and go outdoors (after saving the file). I had wanted to replace the tool samples I'd been using with another set in my collection: just switching out tool samples with other tool samples. Because I was tired and distracted, I replaced ALL samples with a small tool sample set, and indeed my master list of samples is gone. Apparently over time I have become careless with the redundancies that have kept my work safe..
    BUT! Thank you for your encouragement. I do have an old ArtRage painting with most of my favorite swatches, so using the eyedropper tool as well as loading "tool samples" one batch at a time into "samples," I can rebuild.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    In future I recommend doing one of these things (if possible in your edition):

    - save your masterlist to the collection so it is permanently saved as a resource. You can also just export the .col file as well.
    - turn on the backup saves (edit > AR prefs > Advanced) so that if you save over something you can open the previous save. 'Save As' would do the same thing in a pinch.

    But we all make mistakes, so this just means you'll have to find new ones to make

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Thank you. I have just implemented your suggestions. And in the meantime, I rebuilt my masterlist.

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