If the buttons you're pressing aren't actually doing what they're supposed to, then something may be messed up in the Wacom preferences.

Check the following things:

1. That the shortcut works as intended using a keyboard (if it doesn't, then it's nothing to do with your tablet)
2. That the button is set to the correct key in the Wacom Properties panel.
3. That there is no odd custom profile for ArtRage in the Wacom Properties that might be changing things

If you can't find an obvious issue, try:

1. Changing the shortcut to a different one to see if that works (maybe there's an issue with a very specific key)
2. Deleting/clearing any custom Wacom preferences and starting fresh (often this can get corrupted)

And if you're still stuck, come back and let us know (here or via [email protected]) what your set up is currently using (shortcuts, OS, that sort of thing) and we'll keep troubleshooting. It might just be a wonky tablet driver issue.