Quote Originally Posted by D Akey View Post
I would call it something akin to Springtime = "Beginnings"

Perhaps not a perfect name, but what I see in this is microscopic organisms transitioning from the oceans to the ground. Sort of like sea creatures who have gotten around by twisting with fins and appendages that can be turned to dragging themselves through the mud -- to lay eggs before returning to the sea. Early evolutionary stage. Which of course is comparable to the beginnings of Spring when life forms come out of dormant states, and so on.

Very cool, Caesar. I particularly like that loaf of bread and the inscription upon which it looks like they're trying to sort out how to count in the old Roman way. They're not quite there, but it's evolving, that numbering system. Like 10 minus 3 plus 1. And of course it means that bread got ate (or 8).

Go Roman Go!!!!!!!!!

Ahahahah LOLOLO ... what a witty and funny comment, dear DAkey! The complexity and richness of your comments equalized that of to this abstract and works on more planes as well! I can hardly take myself seriously as an amateur artist, especially when painting abstract, but You certainly don't make it easier ahahah . Thank You!