Quote Originally Posted by DarkOwnt View Post
What you are noticing are essentially oversaturation artifacts of the ArtRage blending engine. I have asked that this be addressed and fixed but apparently they do not believe it is important enough to fix, or they cant figure out how to fix it given their current paint volume mixing algorithms. They've also implied that even current computer platforms would be too slow to implement a blending engine that actually works. That seems to be the excuse anyway.

[cropped for space/to avoid this getting too sidetracked]

Hey, you're getting pretty aggressive here, and that's not nice forum behaviour. You're also sidetracking the thread and the question you're answering isn't actually the same as the original user posted - the thing you're talking about relates to a different, very specific aspect of the colour mixing - and this isn't the first time, so you're getting awfully close to getting your posts deleted or a temporary ban. And I'm saying that as a forum mod, not as a 'you're being awfully mean and calling us a bunch of cynical liars' representative of ArtRage.

*swaps forum hat to artist hat*

As an artist, I literally never notice this issue, or work around it by repainting within seconds, or go 'yes, awesome colours!' and would actually be sad if it went away. As a tech support person, I acknowledge it's a valid issue that bugs some people, and I'm aware that the programmers are aware of it and care about it far more I do.

Now, *swaps hat to tech support*:

We're always open to hearing about issues that bug people, and we don't require a specific number of complaints before we look into something, but that doesn't automatically translate into instant fixes, for a very long list of reasons - including the fact that in this specific example, it's not technically possible to perfectly fix it, only to adjust it back and forth with a series of tweaks (get back to us when computers have at least a dozen times the working memory, and making this change wouldn't break ArtRage for everyone with an older computer), and that we're actually a really tiny company.

Things that are a problem for some users are not a problem for everyone, or people would miss out on other features while time was spent endlessly tweaking one minor issue, which means that we have to prioritise changes based on an entire userbase, not just one person who really doesn't like the current behaviour. There physically isn't enough time to implement everything we, and users, would like to implement. What our priorities and general goal for our software are isn't always going to match everything that every user wants, or actually be possible.

Now, you've already talked to us about it, we've explained why we can't fix it yet, and deciding we're lying and cynically handicapping our own software to spite you isn't... helpful. To anyone. This is a highly technical issue that is very specific to ArtRage. If another software shows up that does the same thing as us, they're going to have exactly the same problem (or they're going to be alien geniuses who are cheating by using galactic space code).

*swaps back to forum mod hat*

Whether or not you believe us doesn't actually matter - you don't get to sidetrack threads with rants that contain inaccurate information (especially as you have already been told that it's not accurate) and are actively hostile. It makes the forum unpleasant, it makes it hard for us to actually help people, and it confuses users. If you don't rein it in, I'll be removing your most unhelpful posts and temporarily banning you. That's a standing warning, whether the next post is next week or next year.

( @DreamSourceStudio: If you have any further questions about your original issue that you'll like to discuss based on Matt's answer, go ahead - I'll leave this thread open for you to do that. You can also drop us an email at [email protected] if you want).