Okay - Normally I'd edit my old post but this is worth a new post about...

A big guy in red just dropped an idea down my chimney and I managed to decipher it and implement some fixes for an update.

First up - I've all but removed the blob when tap and hold sampling is off. I say 'all but' because there are still some situations in which it might occur due to timing issues (if you paint a really fast stroke or your iPad just happens to be bogged down with processing other stuff at the time of a stroke it may produce an off result), but the behaviour is way nicer. I will be addressing this further in another update that will rewrite the whole way we handle strokes, but I think this is a good workaround that will allow me to get an update out to you in the short term.

Second up - I've removed the gap between the starting input point of the stylus and the start point of the stroke when in Tap and Hold to Sample mode. That one was slightly trickier but it should now be spot on. Turns out that there was a small flaw in the logic for handling the location of deferred strokes and I've beaten that in to shape.

I don't know exactly when the fix will be available. I'm aiming to submit the build tomorrow and as far as I know the store doesn't have any specific scheduled closed time over the New Year break so it may be available next week. I just have one more small issue to deal with before I get it going...

Thanks for letting us know the details on this, it's really helpful having specific information on problems. Internal testing can never quite cover the entire range of issues that can hit a product like this and we really appreciate everyone who takes the time to communicate issues with us and help when we ask (sometimes seemingly unimportant) questions.