Thank you for answering Matt.

First I want to make sure that you know what my system is. I'm using ArtRage 4.5.10-64 on a Lenovo ThinkPad 10 running Windows 10. These are equipped with limited Wacom hardware controlled by Wacom Feel driver, I've just upgraded to the latest driver version 7.3.2-12 which made no difference at all. The symptoms are the same. Moving tool windows slows to a crawl in few seconds when tap-and-hold is enabled, and cannot be moved at all when tap-and-hold is disabled. Buttons in tool windows (like Don't Save in exit confirmation) cannot be tapped when tap-and-hold is disabled.

Now the main issue why I even started experimenting with disabling Tap-and-hold. It's a delay between pen touching the screen and line starting to appear, in that order. I don't know if it's related. To illustrate here are two drawings, one in SAI and one in ArtRage, done on the same tablet, same driver and everything else, within few minutes between the drawings.

SAI ArtRage
Name:  sai.png
Views: 217
Size:  15.8 KB Name:  artrage.png
Views: 141
Size:  66.3 KB

In both cases I tried to start my vertical lines at exactly the horizontal line. SAI responded flawlessly while ArtRage hesitated for a moment every time, resulting in a significant gap. This makes it hard to put little quick details and breaks my confidence in my stroke.

Please let me know if this clarifies something or if I should really move this discussion into an email to support.