steve ... for instructional videos, taking the time now and then to define terms seems well worth the effort ... but beyond that, there are at least two other reasons to tease out with greater precision what you mean, first, the vocabulary is in transition and is proliferating, now there are hundreds of brushes, thousands of surfaces, millions of colors, no wonder digital and natural media artists often talk past each other, and as I've hinted at in other posts, what should be uncontroversial -- for example, the idea of an "original" work of art -- is up for redefinition ... second, there are 1.3 billion people in China who historically have had no vocabulary to describe how Western art is made, or how to look at it, and they will learn from your videos -- for my purposes, I have pretty much given up on AR or really any combination of digital tools as a means of reproducing what a basic Chinese brush can do easily and quickly ... the barriers are not so much technical, though these are considerable, as they are gestural, the Chinese aesthetic differs radically, in spirit and in execution ...