View Full Version : My ArtRage paintings

05-11-2024, 05:53 AM
I've been thinking of starting a thread here for some time, but since I wanted it to be focused on my work done solely in ArtRage first and foremost, I wanted to finish some pieces with one app entirely, and that both took time and I had to push stuff back for unrelated reasons - life really gets in the way sometimes.

I'll post some pieces that didn't have extra refinement in a different app first, aside for some sharpening:


The Moon



Typically, I start everything I paint these days as an AR pencil sketch or a scan of a detailed pencil draft done on paper, which gets a layer of oil underpainting in AR, details are added with a combination of oil brushes and custom brush tool (you can download my latest custom brush presets here (https://forums.artrage.com/showthread.php?57293-(Custom-Brush)-Simple-Acrylic-Brushes-5-pcs), by the way; I finished the first image in this thread almost entirely with those.)


The Stars


05-11-2024, 06:06 AM
I love painting nature, and I really fell in love with landscape painting in ArtRage several years ago.
it is the closest thing to achieve the oil/acrylic/pastel painting look using digital brushes, and I love it so much.


The Tree.





A faster piece, painted in about 2 evenings?.. Several years ago.


A Blossoming Court.

A lighter, more colorful, more impressionistic in execution, quick and simple painting, which helped me discover the magic of glitter sprinkles and their ability to lighten everything up in no time.

* * *

Everything else that I'm painting gets taken to a secondary app, and I'll eventually post some of that stuff too, along with new pieces - several in the works at the moment.

Thanks for watching!

05-14-2024, 02:10 PM
This is beautiful work! They have great feeling and the compositions are great too. I really like the tree.

Thanks for sharing it.


05-22-2024, 04:44 AM
I love "A Blossoming Court". The blues wow me. This is something that were it for sale I would buy it for my daughter.

06-01-2024, 12:33 AM
thank you, Perendale.
I'm going to update this with some nature art once in a while, particularly since I'm slowly working on a seasonal series, but that's for a later time.


thank you very much! I've already considered opening a print store a few years ago, but we got pretty heavily sanctioned here in Russia since, so all the convenient digital infrastructure is not really working for me at the moment, but I'll let you know if I'll figure something out.

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a new piece - it's called "Veneration of Eostre" - I've just finished last night.
I started this thread with paintings only done in ArtRage;
for this one, some detailing was done in Clip Studio Paint because I wanted a cleaner, more digital look and a little bit more extensive blending.



I'm going to attach some work in progress steps in the next post.
my workhorse artrage custom brushes are linked in the signature, but this is mostly painted with oil brush over a very fast palette knife block-out.

06-01-2024, 12:36 AM
and some progress steps; I rely on more or less same workflow for everything I paint these days.





the last image is where I've finished the ArtRage painting and took it off to CSP for the remaining ~20 % of polish.