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View Full Version : help needed Art being discolored

04-28-2024, 01:39 PM
I am having a odd problem with artrage 6 on version 6.1.1 for macOs.
whenever I move the cruser around the screen, it leaves a trail of discolored pixels in its wake. when I scroll or zoom the canvas it corrects to the proper color.(strangely most common over red hues)
I have updated my drawing tablet(it does this glitch on my standard monitor as well), and uninstalled/reinstalled Artrage. Does any one have any ideas to help me?
Here is a link showing my issue:


Thank you in advance, and please let me know if I have done anything incorrectly this is my first forum post.

04-28-2024, 06:16 PM
Hi Tamara and welcome, just to let you know that your question has been seen but as I use Windows I can offer little help. However, we have Mac members who will have useful advice when they check into the forum. We are in so many different timezones.:)

04-28-2024, 09:06 PM
Hello and welcome to the ArtRage forums Tamara :)
This has been reported before by user DennisD, see his thread here: https://forums.artrage.com/showthread.php?57373-Strange-Stylus-Highlighting-Behaviour-on-My-Cintiq-27-Pro-(Mac-M1)&p=543218#post543218
Particularly look at post #13 where he found a solution:D
Hopefully this solution will work for you too, fingers crossed!

04-29-2024, 05:54 AM
Thank you for the welcome! THANK YOU MARK! this was the solution, what a weird solution to a weird problem

05-24-2024, 06:48 PM
Hey! I am happy to seeing your post