View Full Version : (Custom Brush) Simple Acrylic Brushes, 5 pcs.

09-10-2023, 12:51 AM

✨ 🎨 🏵 google drive link (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W0jhHFgQtMHftJRLqBokGhRYjSBLB3R0/view?usp=drive_link) 🏵 🎨 ✨ - artrage 6 and above -

as we’re starting the weekend, I’m sharing a little brush set, sampled from real media, which has served me very well ever since I’ve had an opportunity to spend more time with artrage over this year.

there’s no depth added for any of those - I prefer the impasto look of the oil brushes, and I'm not really well versed in the depth property set-up for the custom brush - but they’re fast, and they work very well on top of oil brush or palette knife colour block-out.
I prefer painting with those on a separate layer over an underpainting, sampling colours from below.

they simulate a matte paint medium that is closer to tempera, or gouache, than actual acrylic paints - but if you use layer blending modes such as multiply and overlay, you can fake the acrylic translucency to a degree.
they won’t work for pour-over abstract acrylic painting style, which is best achieved by combining palette knife strokes over scanned stencils and some other tools, but they still perform very well for any traditional brushwork purposes.
I use them mostly for background detailing.

if you are planning on modifying those for your personal use, you can grab the following brush thumbnails for easy navigation when saving your own presets:

https://i.imgur.com/1OTIv3F.jpg https://i.imgur.com/WvnLPiV.jpg https://i.imgur.com/JgE4Dpl.jpg https://i.imgur.com/Obg1sQD.jpg https://i.imgur.com/VxdlBLF.jpg

with some nice canvas texture, those brushes are a neat little addition to any digital workflow.

happy painting! ✨🎨🌼🌻🌸🌷🖼

09-14-2023, 10:16 PM
Your usage of the brushes for background detailing and traditional brushwork purposes demonstrates the versatility and effectiveness of the set. Artists often have their own preferred brushes and techniques for different aspects of their artwork, and it's great that you have found a set that works well for your background detailing needs.

09-14-2023, 11:48 PM
Thanks for posting these brushes nekomata, much appreciated:)
Truth be told I’ve not been able to do much painting of late but looking forward to taking them out for a spin later!:cool:

09-18-2023, 07:39 AM
Thanks for posting these brushes nekomata, much appreciated:)
Truth be told I’ve not been able to do much painting of late but looking forward to taking them out for a spin later!:cool:

you're welcome!

my biggest motivation for sharing those came from reading a mind-numbing AI art conversation, which I should have just avoided because they all cycle in the same condescending direction anyway, but it did make me channel all the frustration into something that might help others feel more freely creative for a moment.

I hope we'll get some AR news this year too.

11-15-2023, 01:47 AM
Thanks for sharing the brush set! I appreciate the detailed insights into your approach. Excited to try them out, especially for background detailing. 👩*🎨✨

11-17-2023, 03:23 AM

enjoy! 👍🏻🎨

02-01-2024, 06:40 PM
wow, it creates a great effect

03-19-2024, 08:44 PM

seven new custom brush presets here ✨ ✨ (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NfFM0fUgLqEmNoh4hoBbvSvbMMeskVs1/view?usp=drive_link)

those were sourced from sepia ink brushmarks over flat paper with barely any texture;
they are clean and uniform, and are tweaked to resemble a soft painting oil-ish medium, not that far off from the original set.
some of them are intentionally softened out (this can be adjusted in the settings through numbers of the randomized properties), and some are left crisp and pristine for better control over strokes.

largely based off the original brush package, the intent this time was to add brushwork variety while also saving time during painting, something I greatly struggle with these days.

custom icons:

https://i.imgur.com/DXMBFHT.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/oGPaLXO.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/E4J6kp9.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/I2sVfcD.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/0tEeoSb.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/3vSBYb3.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/NVoSsXx.jpeg

05-23-2024, 12:02 AM
Thank you for this!!! Just downloaded all of these and tried them, they are wonderful!!

Also, new user, glad to see this forum is not dead <3

06-01-2024, 12:25 AM
hi nikkimayari,

you're most welcome!

the forum is a bit slow, but it is definitely not dead - you are welcome to share your art as well.