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View Full Version : Custim Brush Folder

08-09-2023, 07:04 AM
Artrage 6.

Made a new group in custom brush folder.

Is there a way to save my favorite oils, inks, etc into that custom brush folder ?

08-09-2023, 10:45 AM
Hi Danna, not entirely sure what you’re asking…:confused:
But, if you are asking if you can move a brush from, for example, the Oil Brush folder into either the root Custom Brush folder or a sub folder within it, and still be able to use said Oil Brush afterwards, then no that won’t work.
Likewise you can’t put a Custom Brush into one of the other tool categories folders and still use it.
If I’ve understood correctly, what would you hope to achieve in doing what you asked?
If you can give a bit more info, maybe there is another way to achieve your goal? (I'm thinking maybe Toolboxes here...:rolleyes:)

08-09-2023, 12:39 PM
Thanks Mark.

I just use a few brushes and thought maybe that was what the Custom Brush folder was for.

If I had the few I use in one folder / location, I could just choose the preset from the folder.

Like usual .... do not completely understand how AR works :)

08-09-2023, 01:11 PM
Ah OK, then yes I think using Toolboxes may well give you what you want, as you can “store” in them many different classes of tools, e.g. Oil Brushes, Pastels, Custom Brushes, etc… etc…
You can read more about Toolboxes here: https://www.artrage.com/manuals/getting-started-artrage/artrage-manuals/artrage-4/toolbox-and-workbench/
Unfortunately that web page was written a long time back so ignore all the stuff about Workbench Mode! Unless of course you have AR4 as well as AR6!

One important thing to remember with Toolboxes is that technically they don’t actually hold any of the tools added to them!
When you add a tool into a Toolbox AR makes a shortcut to that specific tool preset on your system.
The upshot of this is two fold;
1: After loading a tool into a Toolbox if you then; rename, move or delete the original tool preset, the Toolbox shortcut to it will fail and you will see a warning message.
2: As no actual tools are contained in Toolboxes they can not be shared with others as the links to the tools will be broken for the other user.

08-09-2023, 02:35 PM
Or you could save them as presets in your Custom Brushes.Tools,Presets,Custom Brushes

08-10-2023, 05:20 AM
Mark ... thanks for that explanation and link .... Toolbox should work great for what I wanted.

08-10-2023, 05:22 AM
Or you could save them as presets in your Custom Brushes.Tools,Presets,Custom Brushes

Thanks for the reply ... the Toolbox seems like a good option as I found no way to add built-in brushes to my Custom brush folder.