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03-08-2023, 11:26 AM
hello, here is the continuation of the illustration with the snake and the couple near the river

03-08-2023, 06:32 PM
I see the young man has gone the shaman for help and the shamans drums are driving the snake away. The snake does not look at all happy about it either :D

Even though the story is very dramatic it still carries the feeling of peace. A very interesting painting.


03-08-2023, 11:06 PM
The snake is well hidden in the foliage - I nearly missed it. Such delicate colouring.

03-09-2023, 12:45 AM
Hi altimatître, another dream like painting from you!:cool:
I do find yours is an interesting painting style, minimalist but with any eye for detail when and where needed and your signature colour palettes. Quite distinctive.:cool::cool::cool:

03-09-2023, 05:23 AM
Thank you Brett, Enug, and Markw

it is a story with 20 illustrated pages staggered with 20 written pages, and all the pages are in A4 format, like a comic book.
I have spychotic disorders, and by writing this story, I express how, from my point of view, I understand why and how my disease.

my style does not please many people, one in ten often, it is naive, soft, with colors for children, and I would say, for little girls
But it's my way of expressing myself, I feel comfortable with these colors, it brightens my day when I finish one of my drawings

concerning the story, I wanted to show by a story of imagination, metaphorical, how in real life one can become crazy when one is not accepted and that it is not said nor shown explicitly. it is difficult to explain but when you read my story it is more understandable.

I have drawn and colored I think 12 pages, there are still 6 pages to be colored, 3 of them to be drawn before that, and two pages will be in black and white
I still have 6 drawings to do.
But I am exessively slow, I have a lot of trouble to get to work

when it will be finished, I will make a test to translate my text so that it can be read in english. i am french

03-16-2023, 02:44 AM
Thank you for sharing this pic!! Nice pic!!