View Full Version : I Am Just A Poor Boy

12-20-2022, 01:24 AM
102714 Hard life back in the day. Not much better now. All day and into the night sweating over a hot tablet. Stylus worn down to the grip. I tells ya we got it tough ;)

12-20-2022, 07:54 AM
You are a virtual machine wkawhoosh with you output! I have way more ideas than time to do them sadly!
Do like the abstract almost cubist nature of this one:cool:

12-20-2022, 08:04 AM
I am now finding that art as replaced my more physical means of expression. Time just flies. Got a lot of things to catch up art wise ;) Life is so much more. Before I go off to that great howdy in the sky. A word from our sponser= lol.
" I am above all yet all being takes part of my being There are none above and none below I am that that is or could ever be. For myself a mea culpa moment. Not worthy etc.
Not a religion thing. Look within for truth is not out there but within
Try to not reach to high as the reality is more then you can imagine.
Anyways have a great time all. I will soon be leaving this mortal coil= yeah wicked coil and moving out to meet my friend.
Religion is a man made construct.
Love is not a him or her. You can believe in crosses and all manner of such things.Then ask yourself. Does God need women and men to act in such ways.
Petty. If you really look within you will be answered My bad going off at a tangent my specialty.
