View Full Version : New Tile design 2 part 1 screenshot.jpg-- 2nd screenshot full design of tile.

09-28-2022, 02:04 AM
Hi, I haven't been around for a little while. I've been cleaning up my computer and doing a coloring on Sketchbook that is completed but I don't feel right showing on ARV. For now I'm on ARV.

Here is the latest work in progress. There is another one that I'll show as a completed coloring.

There is not going to be a Pinterest website. I'm too busy doing the coloring and the other projects I'm committed to.

Please comment on this tile design if something comes to mind!

Thank you,

Sue Morin;)



10-08-2022, 07:26 AM
Very impressive, a definite great eye for layout and design,

10-09-2022, 04:31 PM

Thank you, for your comment but all I'm responsible for is the coloring of the design of the tile that comes from a coloring book.

Sorry, :(
