View Full Version : Question to M1 iPad Pro owners

08-24-2022, 06:52 PM
I own an older iPad that still works quite fine for me to seek an upgrade, however I would like to know if Artrage on new ipads (M1 chip) allow bigger brush sizes.
One downside to using Artrage on iPad compared to PC for me is how limited scaling a brush is.

08-25-2022, 12:14 AM
First up I will say I don’t have an iPad:(
I know that ARV for iOS allows bigger canvases now but I suspect that the max brush size is still fixed by the software at 100% and not by the hardware it maybe running on:confused:
Though for a really definitive answer you could contact Ambient Design directly at: [email protected]

Considering the computing power now available on iPads and especially the iPad Pros it would be nice to see ARV for iOS take more advantage of that by coming closer to being like the desktop versions.
A lot of coding work probably, but I think people would pay more to get the desktop ARV experience on an iPad.

08-25-2022, 02:45 PM
Thank you for the email! I will ask them directly.

09-01-2022, 03:55 AM
I got a reply from support. The answer is: brush size limit is the same, regardless of iPad chipset.