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05-02-2022, 12:33 AM
Just saying hello,. I'm not sure how many people still use forums, but being sometimes a solitary artist I thought I'd make an effort to mingle. I tried to attach an example of something I did last year when I first bought Artrage. It's a lot of fun. I have so much to explore and learn, I love the journey ��102327

05-02-2022, 04:05 AM
Well, hello to you too MaryA and welcome to the ArtRage forums :)
Yes, I know what you mean about forums! Since the rise of social media, participation from users in ArtRage’s forums has waned somewhat of late sadly :(
But still, that’s a great first post from you, very striking!:cool:
So, do you also use ArtRage or even traditional media to make preliminary design drawings for your body/face paintings? Or do you just dive strait in with those?

05-02-2022, 06:54 AM
Thank you for your message Mark and much appreciated comment on this. I usually just dive in yes, although I recently reworked an old pastel which I polished up and changed colours. It probably took longer than if could have since I'm still experimenting with all the tools, but I do prefer to just dive in, as it's much more fun. I've still got a lot utube videos to watch ���� I like the idea of the forum as sometimes engagement with Facebook is a job in itself. Have you been engaging with the forum for a long time? Oh and I just re-read your reply about my face and Body Art designs, I've always just created as I go with those, the I think I might have tried to plan designs before on a 2D surface in the past but the face paint medium has a mind of its own when presented with a human canvas. I do have hundreds of face and Body Art photos though which would be a great resource for digital transformation.

05-02-2022, 01:09 PM
...I like the idea of the forum as sometimes engagement with Facebook is a job in itself. Have you been engaging with the forum for a long time?...
I found these forums in 2011. I had ArtRage for a year or so before that, version 2 or 2.5 I think it was back then.
Mostly here I hang around the Technical sections of the forums and try and help when people encounter issues with AR or just have questions about using the software.
But I have also posted some of my animal paintings here in the Gallery area too.

05-02-2022, 08:11 PM
Thanks for hanging about the tech forums, it's great to know you're there to help. Let me know how I can find your uploaded art, I'm not used to using forums.

05-03-2022, 03:41 AM
Thank you for being curious about my animal paintings :):o
If you have not already found them they can all be found in this thread here: https://forums.artrage.com/showthread.php?55588-Just-some-Penguins-And-other-animals&p=534172#post534172
Though not typical of things I generally paint, I also posted a nude study in the After 9 O’clock area of these forums a year or so back: https://forums.artrage.com/showthread.php?55895-Moonlight&p=536393#post536393

05-03-2022, 09:27 AM
Thanks Mark, both images are really lovely. I see you have posted lots of great tips on how to use Artrage throughout the forum, they will be a great help to me as I explore using Artrage, I didn't know whether to buy Vitae or not, but didn't want to miss out on the sale offer, I know I would regret it if I hadn't bought it. I've never used any other digital art programme at least not for about 20 yrs, the drawing tablets and pens were just coming onto the market and I didn't get the chance to explore it back then. It is amazing technology, the possibilities are endless

05-09-2022, 08:18 AM
Hi Mary,

A belated hello and if I may, Cool piece!


05-09-2022, 09:20 AM
Hi Scott, thank you very much :-)

05-13-2022, 12:09 AM