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12-04-2021, 11:28 PM
Everyone meet Goliat or Goli, he even goes by Fuzz Butt.

His interests are lazing around and eating. Occasionally tripping his human mom up in the dark and first thing in the morning before coffee.

His other hobbies include, laying on top of his siblings despite being the heaviest.

He is the second to the oldest of his brothers but enjoys being the smartest. That also includes letting his brothers open doors but being the first to enter the room.

Goliat's favorite thing to do, is to remind all humans that his kind was worshiped as a god once and judge said humans for making him eat all his food and not refill his dish until dinner.

Goliat's least favorite thing, the empty food dish since he's on a diet.

Favorite human quote: "I'm a beautiful house lion. Lions don't diet!"

12-05-2021, 01:16 AM
Just gorgeous! I can see the resemblance to a lion.

12-05-2021, 08:33 AM
Thank you! :o

12-06-2021, 02:49 AM
Hello everyone, meet the black and white version of MoonMist Flower.

MoonMist favorite things are food and his human. The king love's his human. He also enjoys shows and having his picture taken.

MoonMist's hobbies are following his human around. What ever she's into, he's into it as well. He loves prancing for shows.

MoonMist is a gentle king though not humble. He's very handsome and loves to show it.

MoonMist's favorite human quote: "Of course you're going to look at me. I'm king."

12-06-2021, 03:59 PM
Is this really a painting? :) There is so much detail in the bridle. Such a handsome horse.

12-07-2021, 12:31 AM
Yes! It took me about 75 hours and over the course of about 3 hours a day.

Also thank you for the compliments. :)

12-08-2021, 09:19 AM
Not sure the name of the doggo since I only saw her at my time in Luleå. Her owner was a repair man there that exchanged permission and pictures in order to let me practice while I was away from home.

I only met her once and she was pretty scared of strangers. I think she may have been a rescue. I do know she was a golden doodle mix that was tall.

This took me little over 50 hours in the making and several... SEVERAL layers. I ended up using uncooked ramen as a reference to help with the fuzzy parts of the fur that didn't have detail in the photos that were taken.

The owner wanted a painted portrait appearance rather than the realism I normal go for. I think it came out well for something that put me out of my comfort zone.

12-10-2021, 07:42 PM
Name: Shawnee or Shawn, Shawn-Shawn, Brat, or Brat Cat

Age: 6 but thinks he's a kitten

Interests: Talking, talking, more talking. He loves to get into things his human mommy didn't think was possible. Loves heights. Loves using those heights to smack people walking by and then hiding. Tripping his human mom first thing before coffee. Nipping ankles if he feels like he's being ignored.

Favorite things (hobbies to the humans): Arguing. Eating. Belly rubs and using his mommy as a bed. Getting in the way of mom as she works. Being the center of everything and everyone's attention. The cat wheel, especially at 2 in the morning.

Nickname: Nanny cat. Never fought with his siblings when they came home and decided to groom them instead even if it was to their annoyance.

Is the oldest of his brothers. Isn't bossy or grumpy. A big love bug and enjoys cuddles no matter what's going on.

Favorite Human Quote: "Don't ignore me! Pet me!"

12-13-2021, 09:24 AM
Mr. Mantis is a wondering soul with a fatal end.

Seriously... I think my soul cried when I started this piece.

It is one of my black and white studies. I hope some people like it.

12-14-2021, 03:25 PM
[ref] Ink and Airbrush - Goli

The do that; don't they ? :)

Very good looking King, such details ...

12-15-2021, 12:51 PM
Thank you!

12-15-2021, 03:39 PM
Not so unusual Crax - I painted this one a few years ago.:eek: