View Full Version : exporting jpg file causes error

09-02-2021, 10:28 PM

Exporting as a .jpg (rather than .jpeg) causes error.


09-02-2021, 11:58 PM
Hi Jono,
Did you by chance type in the extension .jpg in the Name field when exporting the painting?
After selecting the desired export format at the bottom left of the export window (on Macs), the user doesn’t also need to add the file type to the name of the painting when exporting, as AR will automatically add the chosen file type extension itself. In this case it will add .jpeg.

09-03-2021, 11:19 AM
Hi Mark

No, what I did in this particular case was select an existing .jpg file to overwrite. The file was exported from Affinity Photo, which seems to favour .jpg over .jpeg.

The following screenshots show the steps I took. Note, 4 shows the original .jpg file now 'contains' zero bytes.

09-03-2021, 11:58 AM
Thanks for the extra info but I’m still not sure of your steps…?
Image 1 shows the Save name ends in .jpg? That is what is causing the problem on export.
On opening an existing .jpg file with AR, it loads it without including the file’s original extension in the name.
The only way I can have it appear in the export name, as in your image 1, is to type it in. Which of course then leads to the error you experienced.
In short the Save name can not end in a dot file type extension.

As far as the difference between .jpg or .jpeg goes, it is just the name, internally they are the same.
Why some apps favour one extension name over the other I guess just depends on the developer.

09-03-2021, 09:36 PM
Hi Mark

To export/save as a .jpg without typing the .jpg extension in step 1, I’m clicking the existing .jpg file icon (jpg-save-test.jpg) which then automatically adds the file name and .jpg extension to the ‘Save As:’ field.

If I change (type in) the extra 'e' to make the file extension .jpeg it does save without error.

I'm sure there's a reason, but it seems daft to have two file extensions for the same file type.


09-03-2021, 11:06 PM
Interesting… You may well have found a bug here Jono relating to to your specific macOS.
Following your clarification of step 1, for me on Mojave, clicking on an existing image file to use it’s name, the name is always added to the Save name filed without the original file extension being included.
So I think what is happening for you is a bug.

Again, regarding .jpg or .jpeg you can also sometimes find it in a third form as; .JPEG, all caps.