View Full Version : Snap to grid/perspective

03-18-2021, 11:59 AM

1. is it possible (and when, where is it) to increase sensivity of snap to guides (grid/perspective)
2. it is difficult (for me) to draw horizontal fine lines, when snap to perspective is enabled. How would you do it?
3. above all perspective is "gone". I am seeing only a horizontal line suddenly. Perspective is enabled of course and
i have added a bunch of different lines in the perspective settings, but nothing happens, weird.
4. i am not able to ul a screenshot (too stupid probably). My Browser is FF, when i click "Manage Attachments"
a small FF window opens saying i shouild drop the file into this window, i did but nothing happened.....

Edit: i overlooked the upload icon top right :rolleyes:
EDIT 2: Question 3. and 4. is solved!
EDIT 3: Snapping is much better now after having restarted the app....

03-18-2021, 01:47 PM
Hi busterkeaton!

1. You can adjust the radius of the "Snap to Grid"-functionality in the layout panel. It's the slider below the "Snap to Grid"-checkbox.
2. If you hold the Crtl-key, you can draw exact straight lines. If you additionally hold the Shift-key, you can draw exact horizontal, vertical or diagonal in steps of 15°.

03-19-2021, 04:34 AM
thanks for your tip!