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03-05-2021, 02:02 AM
It might also be known as a Bobcat judging by the information I found on Google.


03-05-2021, 03:33 AM
Vert nice June, you certainly are the one that knows how to make perfect eyes.

D Akey
03-05-2021, 09:29 AM
Ah! The infamous missing lynx!

Love it. Great shapes and your ability to manage fur has gotten to where I can look and feel the textures you depict. And of course it's more complex that it looks when the artist gets it right. When that happens viewers can just look at it and -- Boom, there it is.

But painters who have tried to paint fur and hair and so forth know it takes some real skill to not be only having the viewer seeing the painted mechanics, but rather to see the animal with no interference as to why something was not working. For realism, that's the mark, even when there's some personal style with it.

Go June!


03-05-2021, 10:17 AM
Thanks so much, Geoff and Mr.DA - as you know I love to paint eyes and now painting fur which has been a challenge is starting to become easier. I give credit to Mark and his brush which gave me the basics on which to build.