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02-25-2021, 02:13 PM
Foxes were introduced to Australia in the early days - they are a menace but still beautiful!


02-26-2021, 03:26 AM
I really like this June, such strong colours

02-26-2021, 08:01 AM
Thanks Geoff. It's become very quiet around here. A lot looking - 476 but only three members alas.

D Akey
02-26-2021, 08:34 AM
Quiet is an understatement. I think many people don't comment because of not feeling qualified to say anything. I've heard that voiced in the past. I miss the early days that were very dynamic. But if there's only one person or two posting work with any consistency it doesn't encourage more.

Anyway, it's a lovely fox. Yes, they do have a bad reputation. But they probably help keep the rodents down a bit. We don't have them locally. We have coyotes and such. I love your colors and you're really going to town with fur these days.

Good stuff, June!


02-26-2021, 10:18 AM
I must admit if it wasn't for you and Geoff, I would not bother posting. I post over on Deviantart and while I get plenty of affirmations I don't feel like I "know" anyone as there's no conversation as such.

02-26-2021, 11:36 AM
I must admit if it wasn't for you and Geoff, I would not bother posting...
Now that would be a great loss to us all here June:(:(:(
It's sadly true these forums are much quieter than once they were:confused:, but from all us regulars here, you are a much valued contributor to these forums and they would be the poorer without you.
I for one always look forward to seeing your paintings:D
Not only for there own sake but it's also been great watching you grow as an artist on this forum over the years too:cool:

02-26-2021, 05:32 PM
Thank you Mark for the kind words. I was feeling a bit 'crabby' from lack of sleep. A problem for me. Of course I wouldn't stop posting but it feels like I'm posting too often and there is no one there - however we get 4/5hundred visitors each day so some are looking.

Right onto the next one!;););)

02-27-2021, 03:47 AM
I know what you mean about like of postings, back in 2011 or there about we had a really active site and even the after nine area was really busy.
I went missing when my first wife developed cancer and I became too busy and troubled to even think about Artrage.

02-27-2021, 10:37 AM
It's not that I require comments on my posts - I miss the interaction between members. However, I guess people move on to other things and other interests. Looking back over the pages, it seems it was a very lively forum even before I joined. Mr. Akey has been here thru thick and thin!:cool::cool:

I'm sorry Geoff to hear of your wife's sickness - I don't think I knew of you until fairly recently.

D Akey
03-01-2021, 02:18 PM
Thanks for the kind words. Fortunately there was always at least a couple persons posting -- MacPloos for one, and in rich times, many more. The thought had occurred to me that my posting was a bit pointless. But it was stimulating, and right now I'm loving your guy's work and phenomenal progress. It's been worth sticking around for and that's the truth of it.


03-02-2021, 08:50 PM
You may do an Illustration book with all this paintings.

Some times I ask myself if people on the site not connected don't discuss behind the screen,
is just an impossible invention of mine;
probably we don't have time like before and the most important no interest to show the work or discuss about technical subjects.
Maybe with a Art Rage 7 it will come some new interaction.