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02-17-2021, 12:46 PM
Custom Brushes used

What do you think?101156

02-18-2021, 04:45 AM
Hello Peter3d and welcome to the ArtRage forums :)
I see you are a fan of the impasto look! And that’s a great introductory painting from you!
I don’t do much by way of oils myself but have often thought that the combination of AR’s Oil’s and Custom Brush both with their new depth settings should lead to some interesting possibility’s...

D Akey
02-18-2021, 07:12 AM
Very cool image. The specifics of it like the close up expression lend and almost introspective quality. I love it. I always liked paintings that can bring a lot of sensitivity with an impasto technique. It's a similar enjoyment that I can take from a clever magic trick. It's no small feat to pull off in a painting. Well done!
