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View Full Version : A pot of geraniums

08-08-2020, 03:30 AM
Painted in oil with some airbrushing. Texture of flowers and leaves were painted with one of SEA's custom brushes. Thanks so much for these brushes.:cool:


D Akey
08-08-2020, 04:43 AM
SEA = Special Edition ArtRage? Or is it a user who posted some downloadable brushes?

Anyway, the flowers are awesome. I have some growing in my front yard and they're even this color. So I can say it's giving the impression of geraniums quite nicely, June. That particular flower would be challenging to render each little iteration of petal. Bet it was most satisfying to find a great tool to use that does the trick so nicely. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:

08-08-2020, 09:35 AM
A brilliant still life. Love the impasto look of the leaves and the flowers.

Painted in oil with some airbrushing. Texture of flowers and leaves were painted with one of SEA's custom brushes. Thanks so much for these brushes.:cool:


08-08-2020, 01:39 PM
Thank you DA and Enchanter. I am sure the brushes were offered here and they are all prefixed with SEA. The brush is "SEA Lay it on Thick".

Geraniums are generally not valued here in Aus. They are so easy to grow without any special attention. In fact, often neglect leads to them being woody looking. They need a good cut back from time to time. I notice the plant nurseries are promoting newer less rangy varieties now. However, they are a cheerful splash of colour.