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View Full Version : Dania's Scribble Artist

07-09-2020, 09:42 PM
This was painted for aspart challenge to paint a subject using only three colours. As you can no doubt tell, the colours I used were blue, green and black.

wow great drawing. wanna ask my drawing hihi i got inspired by vince low an artist that is from malaysia 99270

07-10-2020, 05:54 PM
Why am I quoted in this post above? I did not comment on this. The quote was taken from my own post of the alpaca??

D Akey
07-11-2020, 04:49 AM
Why am I quoted in this post above? I did not comment on this. The quote was taken from my own post of the alpaca??

I just found that this user repeatedly plugs this artist's horror image in other people's threads, usually threads like yours with attractive images and the vibe's a complete mismatch. He did it with Sabena's glamor women's faces thread as well. In that situation I also put it into his own thread and she responded kindly to him. But here (he) is again jumping onto your Alpaca thread. There's a pattern here. He makes it sound like he is interested in the original art which is the topic of the thread, but then he promotes this off the wall artist and attaches the drawing you see. Not the first time.

It's a dodgy area and this way I thought that if you wanted to reply to him you could. Maybe you wouldn't be offended, maybe you would. I was leaving it up to you.

I could put it back into your thread. I was trying to be sensitive to your purpose for posting and not wanting you to leave the forums because of having your presentation spoiled.

07-11-2020, 09:15 PM
DA, now that you explain that it is not a one off I'll just ignore if it happens again. Just had me puzzled why he involved me in his thread. Seems strange to me that anyone would want to do this. Small minds! :)