View Full Version : All paint strokes going from light to dark as i go toward bottom

Queen Angella
05-23-2020, 09:04 AM
Hi, I just got this program a few days ago and not sure if I accidentally hit a setting but when I paint using one color it gradually gets dark as I go towards the bottom of the canvas. I don't want the color to do that so how do I fix it.

05-23-2020, 09:57 AM
Hello Queen Angella and welcome to the ArtRage forums :)
Apart from the Sticker Spray tool and possibly the Custom Brush I can’t think of a brush that might change value while painting a stroke:confused:
I think we might need a bit more info! Which tool are you using when this happens?
Ideally some screenshots of what you are seeing with the 'Settings' panel, 'Presets' panel if you are using a Preset and the Canvas Settings panel visible would be good.

The canvas dose have user adjustable lighting on it and by default it gets darker from top Left to bottom Right.
But this is generally a very subtle shift in value, so I’m a bit doubtful this is what you are seeing:confused: But what happens if you turn Off the canvas lighting?
You can do this by going to; View > Canvas Lighting. In the Panel that opens, un-tick Canvas Lighting.
If this is the cause, then maybe play with the settings, to find something less dramatic!

05-23-2020, 11:26 AM
Also the "Metallic"-Adjustment of the Color-Picker could be the cause for this darkening. If the slider is set to the right, the colors will darken the nearer they get to the bottom right corner of the canvas. This is the adjustment for the brushstroke, correlating with the Canvas Lighting, whereas the "Metallic"-Slider in the Canvas-Settings-Dock darkens just the Canvas down to the bottom right corner. But both darkenings will be banned if you turn off the "Canvas Lighting". Unfortunately to turn off the Canvas Lighting will also turn off any Canvas Texturing and all plastic effects of the Brushstrokes.

05-23-2020, 01:31 PM
Nice one Somerset, I think you might be right there:cool:
I forgot about the paint’s metallic slider. (I never use it!)
But I wonder why the stroke always gets darker towards the bottom or the right of the canvas with high metallic paint levels? I just tried it with different lighting angles and it made no difference, it’s always the bottom or right where it starts to go dark:confused:

05-23-2020, 08:15 PM
Yes, it's a little bit weird. It seems that the light always comes frontal from the upper left corner, no matter how you adjust the Lighting Angle. So it sets a highlight to that corner and a shadow to the opposite corner. The Lighting Angle only seems to affect on the Canvas Texture and the Brushstrokes. I don't really understand that, but it doesn't seem to be realistic. Even the difference between "Metallic" and "Intensity" is mysterious to me. I see that they do different things, but I don't think that this is realistic behaviour. And I think it is needlesly complicated. But I maybe wrong.

Alex Zarucki
05-24-2020, 04:29 AM
Turn on the eyedropper tool and uncheck the 'consider lighting' box. Set the settings as in the picture and everything will be ok.99009

05-24-2020, 05:19 AM
@Alex Zarucki

Sorry Alex, but I don't think so. The Eyedropper-Tool is for picking up colors from reference images or from the image you are painting. It has nothing to do with the behaviour of the brushstrokes. This darkening-effect is caused by the "Metallic"-Slider of the Color Picker. Play with it and you will see.