View Full Version : an illustration from a book a writed

03-20-2020, 06:34 AM
An illustration of a book i writed a long time ago...
Thanks watching !

D Akey
03-20-2020, 07:24 PM
I remember this style. Very nice. Hope it was successful. Intriguing. A character that seems to have things going on inside them, with dimension, imagination and thus interesting. I'm just guessing based on your drawings.

Nice to see it again. I remember when I first got to visit Paris I too was standing at a balcony looking out with all kinds of impressions flooding over me -- without taking a step until later. It's a rich feeling of anticipation and wonder. Paris was foreign to me and being on a different planet would generate a like feeling I've no doubt.

Je me souviens de ce style. Très agréable. J'espère que cela a réussi. Intrigant. Un personnage qui semble avoir des choses à l'intérieur, avec de la dimension, de l'imagination et donc intéressant. Je devine juste sur la base de vos dessins.

Ravi de le revoir. Je me souviens que lorsque je suis arrivé à Paris pour la première fois, je me tenais moi aussi sur un balcon avec toutes sortes d'impressions qui m'inondaient - sans faire un pas plus tard. C'est un sentiment riche d'anticipation et d'émerveillement. Paris m'était étranger et être sur une autre planète génèrerait un sentiment similaire, je n'en doute pas.

03-20-2020, 10:59 PM
that's exactly what I wrote! I am very surprised ! indeed, this Sylgade (the hero of the book) comes from a planet where people are rich at heart, and thin in spirit, in contact with nature and their community. Suddenly, Sylgade embarks on a journey with beings from another planet, and it is this journey that I recount during the book. notably, there, Sylgade has just arrived on another planet and he contemplates the landscape after a good night's sleep

Thank you to have answering !

Edited : I like your comment, it is deep.

03-20-2020, 11:25 PM
this post is deleted, i Edited it

03-25-2020, 10:41 AM
here is the final version :