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View Full Version : Susanna e i Vecchioni (Susannah and the Elders)

12-19-2019, 06:41 AM
Just to try ArtRage 6 acrylic/ oil tool on a subject sketched and painted as a mere imagination and execution excercise.
Not one of may best, but I was not able to stick to the real pencil sketch which was, on its turn, not fully defined in its tonal idea ....

D Akey
12-19-2019, 10:00 AM
Looks nice, Caesar. There's a classic archetypal character that showed up in very early Italian comic theater (roughly Middle Ages) where they had 'Types' who would then play the story out. People would recognize them immediately and know what to generally expect from them in the story. One of those characters is the Old Lecher -- an wizened old horn dog who would always chase after the young female beauty. I think in this picture you doubled your chances for laughs. Plus that girl is hot! You haven't lost the knack. Nice painting, although who those old guys represent, I'm not certain, but it looks charged with high entertainment value.


Sembra carino, Cesare. C'è un classico personaggio archetipico che si è presentato nei primi comici del teatro italiano (all'incirca nel Medioevo) dove avevano "Tipi" che avrebbero poi recitato la storia. Le persone li riconoscerebbero immediatamente e saprebbero cosa aspettarsi da loro nella storia. Uno di questi personaggi è il vecchio Lecher, un vecchio cane avvizzito di corno che inseguiva sempre la giovane bellezza femminile. Penso che in questa foto hai raddoppiato le tue possibilità di ridere. Inoltre quella ragazza è sexy! Non hai perso il talento. Bel dipinto, anche se chi sono quei vecchietti, non ne sono certo, ma sembra carico di un alto valore di intrattenimento.

12-19-2019, 11:22 AM
Dear D Akey, thank You for Your appreciation. Certainly my Italian root, be it from Manierismo (Mannerism) or be it from the Commedia dell'Arte, works subconsciously from my cultural environment.
So I paint characters and tell visual stories, like Middle Age and later-on storytellers (i cantastorie) with their illustrated comics-like posters.
The subject and title though come from the Bible (a specific episode) and many classical paintings on this same subject exist by great masters of the past, one being a painting by Artemisia Gentileschi who, as You know, was a female painter of the XVI century who suffered a rape, but fought and eventually got justice. A courage, on that age context, hundred of times greater than that required to join a collective Me Too crowd for denouncing a sexual harassement ... that sometimes became a sort of today context retroactive sorcerer hunt (instead than a witch hunt) based on a specific politically-correct attitude which risk to be fanatically applied and misapplied as a dogmatic golden rule to anyone and at anytime event without a real trial or cultural or historical vision. (Placido Domingo and another one being a typical case, in my opinion, and which, curioisly, seem to apply only to men on women ... while apparently not to other cases of disputable power and moral coercion cases)

By the way, I just realized I became an elder too and I still appreciate feminine beauty ... dunno why .... ahahah;)

12-20-2019, 12:20 AM
Just in case You may be interested on the process I followed, this time I started from a real pencil drawing I made out of my mind and scanned as a JPEG (PDF are not accepted by ArtRage).
Here's the starting sketch, maybe better from a point of view od Susannah's expression ...


12-20-2019, 10:54 AM
Great. Caesar. It’s good your back and in Form :D:D:D

D Akey
12-20-2019, 11:53 AM
Love the drawing, Caesar! You are a very good draftsman. I have always loved drawing as an end in itself. I would imagine it's particularly direct to get your figures to convey what you want them to say. I'm a big fan of it as the perfect tool to work out ideas in detail. Bravo!

Adoro il disegno, Cesare! Sei un ottimo disegnatore. Ho sempre amato il disegno fine a se stesso. Immagino che sia particolarmente diretto far sì che le tue figure trasmettano ciò che vuoi che dicano. Sono un grande fan di esso come lo strumento perfetto per elaborare idee in dettaglio. Bravo!

12-20-2019, 10:41 PM
Thank You, dear ninghty-(I guess now)! ;) I love drawing and storytelling ... maybe some ancestrors of mine were bards or aoidos (ancient Greek poets-singers)

You're right, dear D Akey. Once You set up a decent technique and skill You may evocat any idea in few minutes with enough detail and hints.
You may even go beyond up to a good realism with tonal additions You may get also by appropriate directional pencil traits and strokes.
You only have to avoid overworking, but that's a general rule valid for paintings too ...
Thank You once more!

Mike A
12-20-2019, 11:08 PM
I liked the painting - and I think the drawing is even more effective. Very impressive! The drawing gives it a timeless quality - from any period - and highlights the draftsmanship.


12-21-2019, 03:55 AM
Thank You! As a matetr of fact the drawing is quite immediate to set up and keep the vision while the painting suffers for a more complex procedure to set up and an overall poor planning of tones and palette ...
Thank you !

12-21-2019, 06:58 AM
Congratulaciones estimado Caesar...Tus pinturas, bocetos, son espectaculares!!!

12-22-2019, 07:11 AM
Grazie caro Damaso! Disegnare con espressioni ed emozioni in particolare mi gusta ed è rapido.
Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo a te e famiglia!

NOTA. Curioso che Boceto= Sketch (ingl.) , Schizzo (Ital.) In italiano il corrispondente Bozzetto è usato meno, ma è anche per statua. Sbozzare è verbo per prima versione di una statua, in forma approssimativa, come I Prigioni di Michelangelo.

12-29-2019, 02:19 AM
Well done Caesar! 👍