View Full Version : paintings don't show up in windows explorer

09-16-2019, 04:57 AM
I guess I have to open a new thread..... did not find anything...
[LG phone Android 7 something]
see subject: my paintings don't show up in windows explorer.
On my phone, I see the paintings under "artrage paintings" but when I connect my phone to the computer, it says "0 items" in the artrage paintings folder. I searched in other folders (artrage) and could not find them.
I want to copy them to the computer. I could of course upload them to the google drive, but what for....
I am logged in to the phone, so this is not the problem. I see content in other folders, not this.

Any suggestions....

01-23-2020, 08:13 PM
I do have the same issue.

01-28-2020, 07:54 AM
go to menu->Artrage->Gallery->select right arrow-> export your paintings as jpg or png. the paintings are saved under Pictures/Artrage