View Full Version : Save or Export Customized Keyboard Shortcuts

09-20-2018, 03:50 AM
I have made many adjustments to my keyboard shortcuts.

Is there a way to save them or export to file as backup ?

09-20-2018, 01:26 PM
On Windows and macOS the keyboard shortcuts are saved in a file which can be backed up.


In Artrage, go to Tools -> Browse Content Folders -> Root Contents Folder

Go back one folder by clicking 'ArtRage' at the top of the file window which appears.

You will see a file called 'currentshortcuts.sck'

Make a copy of this file to back up your keyboard shortcuts.


In Artrage, go to Tools -> Browse Content Folders -> Root Contents Folder

Go back one folder by holding down cmd and clicking on the title of the current window. Choose 'ArtRage' from the resulting list

In the resulting folder, locate the file currentshortcuts.sck and make a copy of it to back up your keyboard shortcuts.

I hope this helps!

09-21-2018, 01:14 AM
Great ... thank you !