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View Full Version : Opacity Invert for stylus properties?

09-20-2018, 01:43 AM

I'm just wondering if it is possible to invert the opacity controlled by pen pressure for a custom brush (in the same way you can invert the size by pressure for the oil brush) in stylus properties? I'm guessing it is not currently possible as I don't see the option to add a pen pressure variable in the stylus properties - unless I'm overlooking something.

I have made some custom brushes based on fountain and dip pens (I will package them up for a free download in the near future). If I can set a decrease in opacity with high pressure then I could create an authentic ink spread and ultimately, railroading effect, the same as if you apply too much pressure to a dip pen nib.

This is an example of how it currently looks - it railroads more as the opacity and size decreases.


09-20-2018, 05:02 PM
Hi Nick. That's not possible in ArtRage, but I've taken a note of this as a suggestion. Thanks for the feedback!

09-20-2018, 09:17 PM
No problem - Its mainly the only function I can think of it being a useful feature. Though I also thought it might be useful for experimenting with different ways to create dry brush or old worn brush textures - Pressing into a stroke would fade out the darker areas of the brush head to reveal more texture, similar to the roller tool. This would give more texture (or a slight variation of texture) in wider areas of a stroke, simulating splayed bristles or old brushes with different bristle lengths.

10-05-2018, 07:13 AM
Finally got my new site running. If anyone would like to play with these brushes, I've put the arpack up as a free download.
