View Full Version : Antialias edge not working

08-27-2018, 04:43 AM
Especially when I reduce the aspect of my pen tool, the antialias function becomes less effective. For my Windows 10 desktop, I have Use Wintab selected
At a different rotation:
Thank you in advance for your help, ArtRagers;
Sue Ellen.

08-27-2018, 05:13 PM
It looks like this is being caused by the extremely low aspect ratio of the brush head when it's used at a sharp angle. Increasing brush aspect will probably help (the antialiasing system will have more to work with) but we'll look in to it to see if there's anything we can do to improve the result as well when the aspect is that low.

08-28-2018, 01:55 AM
I wish I had noticed when this started. I found this bit of ribbon I made in 2015 with the settings for the ink pen still in place. The inking from 2015 is in red; the blue is from today.95827

08-28-2018, 01:58 AM
OH-- but the capture is too small to see the difference in the strokes. Anyway, the edges were cleaner once. I hope this helps.

08-28-2018, 01:42 PM
Thanks for that. Could you email that painting file to us at [email protected] ? We can take a look at it directly.

08-28-2018, 03:00 PM
Thank you! I'm sending a file now.

08-28-2018, 04:16 PM
The painting you sent through to us produces the same results when using the Ink Pen with the settings stored in it in ArtRage 4 and 5. However, it does look like the 'ribbon' that was in your file already was scaled up (there's some fuzziness that suggests it has been scaled) and that may be disguising some of the earlier aliasing. I can still see it in there, but it has been smoothed by the scaling.

So I'm not sure that the file is showing us a problem specific to ArtRage 5. Low aspect ink brushes will be more aliased and that's something we'll look in to. In the meantime, setting aspect to 7% (as in the painting you sent) or to 15% as in the screenshot above should significantly improve the overall look.

08-29-2018, 03:36 AM
You are the absolute best. Thank you.