View Full Version : Lady In Red2

06-30-2018, 10:57 AM
This is the one that was suppose to be posted the first time

D Akey
06-30-2018, 12:13 PM
Nice one. I really like the blended background with all the colors. I also like the story of the girl. However, I think you were perhaps a bit too unsure with it such that you did short choppy strokes.

I think that were you to simplify and think as if you were doing a graphic treatment (more posterized initially) and let the skin be simple and maybe pepper it up with colors in adjacent areas you might get closer to where you're intending.

The trick is looking at the various elements in your picture for light and dark and color, and then how you arrange the elements becomes the statement. So conceivably the skin could be without paint whatsoever or a faint indication. And then the contrasty, jazzy paint frames it.

And that would imply a smoother skin with less labor and the areas where you can get more expressive and colorful might be in areas that are less critical. We expect the human features to be exactly right. But if you imply those areas with some attention to shape, then the viewer will fill it in perfectly for the most part. So the paint you do surround the girl with would be like accessories and accents that support the figure that you can dress up with splashy bits.

Hope that makes sense. In short, less is more, and strategy in watercolor is the way to approach it. So this is a good go and a very ambitious one, with some good things happening. Now take it to the next level with awareness of what happens when you do X, Y and Z.

Go Pat!!!

07-01-2018, 04:10 AM
Well DAkey you hit that right on, I was very unsure of this painting and was not going to post it but Im glad I did because I got some great advice that I will keep in mind, thanks so much for taking the time out to comment

07-14-2018, 08:08 AM
Fantástico...!!! Qué hermosa manera de tratar las texturas sin dejar de lado el movimiento de la bailarina!!!! Excelente!!!

07-15-2018, 04:32 AM
Thank you Damaso for your kind comments