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12-11-2017, 12:38 AM
Hi...i'm very new here friends, just tried artrage 5 last 3 weeks and would like to share 1 of my paintings..

12-11-2017, 12:51 AM
Hi...i'm very new here friends, just tried artrage 5 last 3 weeks and would like to share 1 of my paintings..
but where is the submit image button..

12-11-2017, 02:23 AM
Quote Originally Posted by DaveRage

Hi everyone,

I thought it'd be worthwhile quickly going through how to post an image to the Gallery forums, for anyone who's unfamiliar with this.
For anyone who has an Artrage painting on their computer they wish to share, here's how to do it.

Saving your Painting

Firstly, we'll need to save the painting as a jpeg. To do this, go to the File Menu in ArtRage, and select "Export as Image". At the bottom of the Save As window, you will see a box labelled "Save as Type". Select Jpeg image from the drop down list, enter a filename and save your image somewhere convenient.

Posting an Image

Now we're ready to post it! To create a new post, use the "New Thread" button you'll see near the top of the forum page. After you've clicked this, enter a subject for your message, then go ahead and say what you want to say in the message body.

That's the text part out of the way! When you are creating a new post you'll see a button below the body of the message called 'Manage Attachments'. Click this button, then click the 'Browse' button to locate and click on the file you saved, then click the Open button. Once you've done this, you'll see the file and path listed in the box next to it. Now click the 'Upload' button. A message will be displayed - 'Uploading File(s) - Please Wait'. Once this has completed you can close the window.

You're all done! Click 'Preview Post' down at the bottom of your post to make sure it looks how you want it, then if you're satisfied click 'Submit New Thread'.

A couple of notes.

If your image is bigger than 800 pixels by 800 pixels, a thumbnail of maximum size 800 pixels by 800 pixels will be created. Viewers will be able to click on this image to show your art at its full size in a separate window. The maximum size of image that can be uploaded is 2000 pixels by 2000 pixels and the largest file size is 500kb. If you find that your painting is larger than that, you can use the 'Rescale the painting' option in ArtRage's Edit menu then save a smaller copy of your work.