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View Full Version : PokaDot Wonder

12-06-2017, 08:14 AM
you never know how an art work will turn out! I worked on this for most of the day and was never satisfied with the result so left it for a few hours and then came back late in the evening
and added the flat architectural shapes with shadows over the original work and was pretty satisfied although I was itching to add more details I just left it as it was and posted it on Instagram (@gxhpainter )
and it got picked up and Featured by an online gallery called BPA_ARTS out of the Seattle area!.... I was a little stunned but pleased. Hope you all can enjoy it as well.

D Akey
12-07-2017, 07:25 AM
Congratulations! In the immortal cinematic words: If you build it, they will come.

Good deal. I think part of your appeal is that your work has a distinctly different flavor -- different from the usual and expanding the range of possibilities.

Well, your surprise is not unexpected sooner or later that's what happens, once stripped of all the angst and uncertainty and the artist gets out of the way and the art leaves home and starts its own life. Too bad we can't plan that kind of stuff happening. But it is a real treat when it does happen and a great validation.

Enjoy and congrats again!

12-07-2017, 09:37 AM
Congratulations! In the immortal cinematic words: If you build it, they will come.

Good deal. I think part of your appeal is that your work has a distinctly different flavor -- different from the usual and expanding the range of possibilities.

Well, your surprise is not unexpected sooner or later that's what happens, once stripped of all the angst and uncertainty and the artist gets out of the way and the art leaves home and starts its own life. Too bad we can't plan that kind of stuff happening. But it is a real treat when it does happen and a great validation.

Enjoy and congrats again! a VERY moving and inspirational comment, a deep thanks my friend!