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View Full Version : I will invest some money in it, of course!

Henry Stahle
11-16-2017, 10:13 PM
The other day there was a great upgrade on the Autodesk SketchBook Android. It made the program soo much more usable and attractive than before! I am a big fan of Android, not using iOS anymore, although Procreate is there. I use Infinite Painter and SketchBook mostly.

This morning i sat down using ArtRage on my Galaxy Tab S3, my latest tablet. ArtRage works great, but compared to SketchBook and Infinite Painter, AR is limited compared to the two others, and even to ArtFlow, MediaBang and Ibis Paint.
Cut and paste, lock transparency, clipping layers, free transform, rulers, modern brushes ... a lot of things to be added before AR on Android will be usable again. As usable as the other software I named.

The graphic tablets are getting better and better. The Galaxy Tab is great, the Surface Pro is great, the iPad Pro is great and there are a lot more of them coming. Some of the software are designed for tablets, others are just ported from the desktop. Like ClipStudio on iPad, it is just the same and harder to use on a tablet. The best ones to use are the ones with a specific tablet GUI. Sketchable and SketchBook has Win10 designs. Procreate is the top one UI design on iOS, Infinite Painter on the Android tablet.

The look and usability of ArtRage on my Android is good but can be much better with some more room on the screen by using smaller "pods" and icons.
So, all in all, ArtRage is good. But not good enough any more. It is slowly getting behind, just like Corel Painter Mobile does. Please keep up the developing speed!

If there is a new version I will invest some money in it. Of course!

11-27-2017, 11:13 AM
Ups Henry

You have just stated that affinity photo was the way to go ;-)

Henry Stahle
12-11-2017, 06:28 PM
Ups Henry

You have just stated that affinity photo was the way to go ;-)

Yes, on my desktop computer. There is no Affinity Photo for Android yet, just for iOS.

04-02-2018, 12:31 PM
I've tried Infinity painter and SketchBook and I didn't care too much about it.